Kamenou, Nayia. “Feminism in Cyprus: Women’s Agency, Gender and Peace in the Shadow of Nationalism.” Keynote paper presentation (upon invitation) at the conference Global Promotion and Mediation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, organized by the Ð԰ɵç̨ Media Discourse Centre, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, United Kingdom, 16 September 2019.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Feminism Hijacked: Women and the Gender Politics of the Far-Right in Greece and Cyprus.” Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 4 September 2019.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Feminism Hijacked: Women and Gender in the Far-Right in Greece and Cyprus.”Keynote paper presentation (upon invitation) by the University of Vienna Institute for Sociology and Frauenhetz: Feminist Education, Culture and Politics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 17 June 2019.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Feminism in Cyprus: Women’s Agency, Gender and Peace in the Shadow of Nationalism.” Paper presented (upon invitation) during the Durham Global Security Institute Cyprus Study Visit, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1 April 2019.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Feminism in Cyprus: Women’s Agency, Gender and Peace in the Shadow of Nationalism.” Paper presented (paper selection on competitive basis) at the panel of Sociologists for Women in Society on Feminist Analysis of Social Protection Systems: Employment, Health and Peace-Building at the 63rd Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women, organized by UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA, 13 March 2019.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Europeanization, Trans* Subjectivities, and Political Agency in Cyprus.” Paper presented (upon invitation) at the conference Trans Rights and Experiences: Panel discussion and Open Talk by Jessica Lynn, organized by Aequitas and the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus, co-funded by The Butterfly Project (Pismo Beach, CA, USA), Centre of Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28 November 2018.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Women, Gender, and Extremist Political Discourse in Greece and Cyprus”. Keynote paper presentation (upon invitation) at the seminar Gender, Discourse, Power, organized by the Department of Sociology of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece, 26 November 2018.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Greece and Cyprus: Political Agency, Identity, and Gender.” Paper presented (upon invitation) at the conference Social Media, Surveillance, and Identity: Global Perspectives, organized by the Ð԰ɵç̨ Media Discourse Centre, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, United Kingdom, 25 October 2018.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Social Movements and Europeanization: Resisting and Embracing Intersectionality in the Periphery.” Paper presented at the Early Career Researcher Conference: A Showcase of New Research and New Researchers, organized by the Ð԰ɵç̨ Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, United Kingdom, 20 June 2018.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Social Movements and Europeanization: Resisting and Embracing Intersectionality in the Periphery.” Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 10-14 April 2018.
Kamenou, Nayia. “On Precariousness and Emancipation: Female Political Subjectivities and Agency in the Greek Far-Right.” Paper presented at the Semi Plenary Session on (Un)Making Subjectivities of the 13th Conference of The European Sociological Association on (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences & Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, 29 August-1 September 2017.
Kamenou, Nayia. “‘When one doesn’t even exist…’ Trans Rights, Policy and Activism in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the 5th European Conference on Politics and Gender, organized by the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Gender and Politics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-10 June 2017.
Kamenou, Nayia. “‘On Precariousness and Emancipation: Gender and Agency in the Greek Far Right.” Paper presented at the VC2020 Research Event, organized by the Ð԰ɵç̨ Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, United Kingdom, 24 May 2017.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Where Inequality is the Solution to Non-Existence: The Institutionalization of Trans Discrimination in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Leicester Human Rights, Arts and Film Festival: Transgender, at Home and Abroad (upon invitation), Secular Hall, Leicester, United Kingdom, 6 December 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Present Moment of Feminism in Cyprus: The Gender Advisory Team, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and Peace Negotiations.” Keynote speech delivered at the Global Leadership Empowerment and Diversity Summit (upon invitation), organized by Global Hands UK and Your Change for a Change, The Venue@Ð԰ɵç̨, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, United Kingdom, 17 November 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Where Inequality is the Solution to Non-Existence: Social Policy, Trans Health and the Institutionalization of Discrimination in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the ILGA-Europe 20th Annual Conference, Self-Organised Meeting: General Trans Community Event (upon invitation), Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 21 October 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Where Inequality is the Solution to Non-Existence: Social Policy, Trans Health and the Institutionalization of Discrimination in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the ILGA-Europe 20th Annual Conference, Research Presentations, Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 20 October 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “‘We are Political Soldiers Willing to Die for our Party’: Women, Gender and Political Agency in the Greek Golden Dawn.” Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 10 September 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Present Moment of Feminism: Women, Agency and Rights in the Shadow of the Cyprus Imbroglio.” Poster presented at the Feminism and Gender in the Social Sciences Symposium, organized by the Ð԰ɵç̨ Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence Research Network and the Ð԰ɵç̨ School of Applied Social Sciences, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, UK, 17 June 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Sexuality, Gender and the (Re)Making of Modernity, Nationhood and Identities: The Case of Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Participation and Social Justice Research Group Seminar Series (upon invitation), Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, UK, 20 January 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Gender and Political Agency in the Greek Far Right.” Paper presented at the Seminar Series of the Department of Politics and Public Policy in the Faculty of Business and Law, organized in conjunction with Ð԰ɵç̨’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (upon invitation), Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester, UK, 13 January 2016.
Kamenou, Nayia. “LGBTI Discrimination in Cyprus: Causes and Responses” [«Διακρίσεις κατά των ΛΟΑΤΙ Ατόμων στην Κύπρο: Αίτια και Αντιμετώπιση»]. Paper presented at the Addressing the Phenomena of Hate Speech and Hate Crimes in Cyprus Conference (upon invitation; pre-recorded video), organized by the Research Institute Promitheas (INEP), Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 7 October 2015.
Kamenou, Nayia. “If These Walls Could Talk: (Re) Addressing Questions about Lesbianism, Feminism and Parenthood.” Paper presented at the University of Cyprus Gender & Sexuality Festival (upon invitation), organized by the University of Cyprus Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Service and the Cyprus Family Planning Association, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 22 April 2015.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Does Sexuality Have an Identity?” [«Έχει Ταυτότητα η Σεξουαλικότητα;»]. Paper presented at the University of Cyprus Sociology & Social Criticism Club Seminar Series (upon invitation), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 26 March 2015.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus: Achievements and Challenges.” Paper presented at the Grundtvig Meeting in Cyprus (upon invitation), organized by Accept-LGBT Cyprus and other LGBTI organizations and funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, Cleopatra Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus, 6 March 2015.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Bodies and Identities that Matter” [«Σώματα και Ταυτότητες με Σημασία»]. Paper presented at the seminar Bodies and Identities that Matter: An Open Discussion about Transgenderism [Σώματα και Ταυτότητες με Σημασία: Μια Ανοιχτή Συζήτηση τη Διεμφυλικότητα], organized by Nayia Kamenou for the University of Cyprus Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 26 November 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Peace, Conflict and Sexual Order in Times of Change: Theory and Practice.” Paper presented at the 2014 International Summer School in Peace and Conflict Studies on Peace, Order and Conflict in a Time of Crisis: Theory and Practice (upon invitation), organized by the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the European Consortium for Political Research, the Home for Cooperation and the International Association of Peace and Conflicts Studies, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 29 July 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Politics of Sexuality in the Border Countries of the European Union: The Case of Cyprus” [«Η Πολιτική της Σεξουαλικότητας στις Παραμεθόριες Χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης: Η Περίπτωση της Κύπρου»]. Paper presented at the Department of Sociology Postgraduate Seminar Series (upon invitation), University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece, 28 May 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Voting Trends of the LGBTQ Community” [«Τάσεις Ψήφου της LGBTQ Κοινότητας»]. Paper presented at the Vote for Your Rights Project Presentation (upon invitation), convened by Colour Youth-Athens LGBTQ Youth Community and Athens Pride with the support of the Open Society Foundations, Athena 9.84 Hall, Athens, Greece, 5 May 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Gender and Women in the Greek Far Right: The Case of the Golden Dawn Women’s Front” [«Φύλο και Γυναίκες στην Ελληνική Ακροδεξιά: Η Περίπτωση του Μετώπου Γυναικών της Χρυσής Αυγής»]. Paper presented at the Conference on the Phenomenon of the Far Right in Cyprus, Greece and Europe: Considerations, Positions and Suggestions (upon invitation), convened by KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism with the support of the Open Society Foundations, Nicosia Municipality Peace Hall, Nicosia, Cyprus, 26 March 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “How Soap Operas Are Changing the World” [«Πώς οι Σαπουνόπερες Αλλάζουν τον Κόσμο»]. Paper presented at the Department of Social and Political Sciences Postgraduate Seminar Series (upon invitation), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12 February 2014.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Institutionalized Religion and the Construction of Sexuality and Gender in the Case of Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Symposium on Gender, Fundamentalism and Nationalism (upon invitation), convened by the SOAS Centre for Gender Studies and the University of East London Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK, 15 November 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “When the ‘Rest’ Meets the ‘West’: Aesthetics, Gender Performance and the Politics of Sexuality in Cyprus” [«Όταν οι «Υπόλοιποι» Συναντούν τη «Δύση»: Αισθητική, Επιτέλεση του Φύλου και η Πολιτική της Σεξουαλικότητας στην Κύπρο»]. Paper presented at the Genders & Power Festival [Φεστιβάλ Φύλα & Εξουσία] (upon invitation), convened by the group Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων, Faneromeni Square, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12 October 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Position of Women in Cyprus Economy.” Paper Presented at the Euromed Civil Forum (upon invitation) on behalf of the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, coordinated by Réseau EuroMed France and co-funded by the European Union, Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels, Belgium, 4 September 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “(Re) constructing ‘Selves’ and ‘Others’: National and Sexual Identities and Subjectivities in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the conference Pre- and Post-Conflict: Emerging Powers and the Future of the World Order (upon invitation), convened by the University of York, the University of Hull, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre and the University of Nicosia, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 September 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Constructing ‘Selves’ and ‘Others’: Sexual Subjectivities, Queer Normativity and the Politics of Sexuality in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Revisiting Sexualities in the 21st Century Conference, convened by the Cyprus Sociological Association, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 8 June 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “When the ‘Rest’ Meets the ‘West’: Aesthetics, Gender Performance and the Politics of Sexuality in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Arts, Aesthetics and Power Workshop (upon invitation), American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22 May 2013.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Women’s Discourses of Women’s Rights: Strategic or Nationalist Essentialisms?” Paper presented at the Women’s Peace: Applying United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 to Cyprus and the Region Conference (upon invitation), convened by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre and the Gender Advisory Team (GAT) Cyprus, Chateau Status, Nicosia, Cyprus, 6 December 2012.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Cypriot LGBT Movement: Prospects and Perils” [«Κυπριακό Κίνημα ΛΟΑΤ: Εμπόδια και Προοπτικές Ανάπτυξης»]. Paper presented at the Department of Social and Political Sciences Postgraduate Seminar Series (upon invitation), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 24 October 2012.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Good, the Bad and the Other: Discourses of National and Sexual Identity in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Modern Greek Studies Postgraduate Seminar (upon invitation), King’s College London, London, UK, 5 March 2010.
Kamenou, Nayia. “‘Cyprus is the Country of Heroes, Not of Homosexuals’: Sexuality, Gender and Nationhood in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Queer@King’s interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research group monthly meeting (upon invitation), King’s College London, London, UK, 28 January 2010.
Kamenou, Nayia. “Identity Wars: Sexuality, Gender and Nationhood in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Institute for Gender and Sexuality quarterly meeting (upon invitation), Birkbeck, London, UK, 28 October 2009.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Construction of National Identity, Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus and the Role of European Human Rights for LGBTQ People.”Paper presented at the 9th Biennial European Sociological Association Conference, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 September 2009.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Construction of National Identity, Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus and the Role of European Human Rights for LGBTQ People.” Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Hellenic Observatory PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, 25 June 2009.
Kamenou, Nayia. “The Construction of National Identity, Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus and the Role of European Human Rights for LGBTQ People.” Paper presented at the Global Arc of Justice: Sexual Orientation Law around the World Conference, convened by the Williams Institute at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law, the International Lesbian and Gay Law Association (ILGLaw) and the City of West Hollywood, University of California at Los Angeles, LA, 11-14 March 2009.
Kamenou, Nayia. “National Identity and the Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the European Studies Research Students’ Monthly Workshop (upon invitation), King’s College London, London, UK, 9 December 2008.
Kamenou, Nayia. “National Identity and the Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Conference on Gender and Identity in Contemporary Greece, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 18 October 2008.
Kamenou, Nayia. “National Identity and the Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Cyprus.” Paper presented at the Queer in Europe International Research Symposium, convened by the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, 13-15 September 2008.
Co-organizer of panel Battleground ‘Gender’: Mobilizations Against Feminism in Far-Right Politics (upon invitation; with Stefanie Mayer and Judith Goetz, University of Vienna) for the 2019 European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 September 2019.
Delegate to, and paper presenter at, the 63rd Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women on behalf of Sociologists for Women in Society, organized by UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA, 11-22 March 2019.
Expert participant and co-organizer (upon invitation) of the Women in the Peace Process and Women in Politics series of events, led by Emerita Professor Monica McWilliams (Ulster University) and organized by the Embassy of Ireland in Cyprus and the PRIO Cyprus Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-26 September 2018.
Delegate to the 61st Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women on behalf of Sociologists for Women in Society, organized by UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA, 13-24 March 2017.
Director of the 2015 International Summer School in Peace and Conflict Studies on State Fragmentation, Regional Crises and War Endings, organized by the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the European Consortium for Political Research, the Home for Cooperation and the International Association of Peace and Conflicts Studies, University of Cyprus & Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 19-31 July 2015.
Organizer of the seminar Bodies and Identities That Matter: An Open Discussion About Transgenderism [Σώματα και Ταυτότητες με Σημασία: Μια Ανοιχτή Συζήτηση για τη Διεμφυλικότητα], hosted by University of Cyprus Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 26 November 2014.
Member of the organizing team of the Symposium on Citizenship, Gender & Women in Cyprus, hosted by the Gender Advisory Team, the PRIO Cyprus Centre and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 16 December 2013.
Member of the organizing team of the Conference Gender and the Law: Debating Citizenship Reform in Cyprus, hosted by the Gender Advisory Team, the PRIO Cyprus Centre and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 28 September 2013.