
Dr Pamela Hardaker

Job: Associate Professor Student Experience

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Address: Ð԰ɵç̨, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: pamela.hardaker@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Pamela Hardaker is the Associate Professor for Student Experience in the Faculty of Computing Engineering and Media.  She is also a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Technology at Ð԰ɵç̨.  She completed her BSc at Ð԰ɵç̨ in 1995 when she gained a first in Information Technology.  After graduating she worked in the field of real-time software development for engine and gearbox management before moving into assistive technology. 

While working for the charity AbilityNet, Pamela helped people with a variety of disabilities to successfully access computers.  In 2008 Pamela joined Surrey County Council as an IT Trainer and e-Learning designer.  During her time here she also gained a Distinction at Master’s level in Intelligent Systems and Robotics through distance study. 

For her Master’s Degree Project, Pamela combined her interest in helping disabled people with Intelligent Systems and successfully published two papers. Following the completion of this degree she secured 1 of 5 high flyers full scholarships from Ð԰ɵç̨ to continue her work as a PhD which she completed in 2019.

Research group affiliations


Key research outputs

Hardaker, P.A., Passow, B.N., Elizondo, D. (2014) Multiple sensor outputs and computational intelligence towards estimating state and speed for control of lower limb prostheses. Computational Intelligence (UKCI), 2014 14th UK Workshop on, pp.1-8, 8-10 Sept. 2014

Hardaker, P., Passow, B. N. and Elizondo, D. (2013) Walking State Detection from Electromyographic Signals towards the Control of Prosthetic Limbs. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop on Computational Intelligence' (UKCI'13), Guildford, United Kingdom, 9-11 September 2013.

Research interests/expertise


Areas of teaching



Batchelor of Science in Information Technology, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester – 1995

Master of Science in Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester – 2014

Phd in Computer Science Ð԰ɵç̨, Leicester – 2019


Courses taught


Membership of professional associations and societies

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Internally funded research project information

Multiple sensor outputs and computational intelligence towards estimating state and speed for control of lower limb prostheses, High Flyers PhD scholarship from Ð԰ɵç̨ University, 20014 – 2017, PhD student under supervision by: Ð԰ɵç̨ Dr Ben Passow, Prof David Elizondo, Prof David Corne and Prof Martin Grootveldt.