
Academic publications

The research evidence underpinning these recommendations about policy on sickle cell in schools can be found in the following publications:

Dyson, SM; Atkin, K; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE and Evans, H (2011) Sociology of Health and Illness 33 (3): 465-483. [ISSN 0141-9889].

Dyson, SM; Atkin, K; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE; Evans, H and Rowley, DT (2010)  Social Science and Medicine 70 (12): 2036-2044. [ISSN 0277-9536]

Dyson, SM; Abuateya, H; Atkin, K; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE; Rowley, DT, and members of the Sickle Cell and Education Group (2010)   British Educational Research Journal 36 (1): 125-142. [ISSN 0141-1926]

Dyson, SM; Abuateya, H; Atkin, K; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE; and Rowley, DT (2008)  International Studies in the Sociology of Education 18 (1) 47-60. [ISSN 0962-1214]

Abuateya, H; Atkin, K; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE and Dyson, SM (2008) Young People with Sickle Cell Disorder and Education: A Knowledge Review  Diversity in Health and Social Care 5 (2): 123-135. [ISSN 1743-1913]

Dyson, SM; Atkin, K; Culley, LA and Dyson, SE (2007)   Disability and Society 22 (6): 581-594. [ISSN: 0968-7599]

The Research Evidence

Academic Publications

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Simon Dyson
Professor of Applied Sociology
Room 1.27 Hawthorn Building
Leicester LE1 9BH
T: +44 (0)116 257 7751
E: sdyson@dmu.ac.uk